Engaging Respondents : How Should you Cater to Lifeblood of Market Research Industry

Survey Panelists are the backbone of market research industry and the stronger the backbone , the more support and cushion it provides .Despite having the means and knowledge of that little nugget , we do a poor job of putting our panelist first. As important as the respondents are , it is extremely important to engage them on a regular basis. They take out their valuable time for filling the surveys and for that they deserve our utmost respect and attention and we must reciprocate that by keeping them involved constantly.
But Engaging respondents is easier said than done. And we can count the reasons for that on our fingers
The old saying goes ,’The more , the merrier’ .True but large numbers in the panel pool means diverse respondents and It’s a task to keep everyone engaged
Designing surveys catering to the taste of all the panelists is difficult and it often affects their willingness to complete the survey
The length of the survey is often a trade off for the panelists
For ⅓ of all respondents , the primary reason to participate is to earn rewards or prizes and when the surveys are not incentivized , they lose their mojo to participate
Knowing the problem solves half of it , For the other half read on
Capitalize on the participative experience and bring it to the forefront. Leverage the diversity of the respondents and ensure that the surveys are designed keeping in mind their demographics and interests while fulfilling the requirements of the client
Short and crisp questionnaire keeps the panelists engaged and results in better response rates
Take research as a brand engagement and relationship building opportunity


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